Lucky Star Universal Remote Codes

Hello everyone today we’re going to be taking a look at lucky star universal remote codes if you’re curious to know about this remote control and want to operate your favorite devices with this latest brand new remote then meke sure to checkout our tutorial on lucky star universal remote manual. So now you know about our today’s topic and now let’s get started our main article about.

Actually from this article you will get to know the full details on how do i program my lucky star universal remote? and codes to program a universal remote. If you’re interested in this topic, so do not skip any line from this article because every line is important to know. That’s all guys now let’s get into the topic.

Lucky Star Universal Remote Codes For Vizio TV

3 digit codes: 627 505 006 758 864 522 775 511 523 535 593 598 553 562 575 773 520 551 625 502 809 720 564 766 945 301 293 401 888 506 583 718 678 232 510 706 825 756 537 081 112 143 050 386 004 236 031 387 724 603 624 675 053 062 073 095 108 454 079.

4 digit codes: 1758 3758 4723 4905 2512 0054 2707 1756 2757 1499 0864 3358 0885 3415 0081 1011 5631 5611 5561 5571 5651 5621 5581 5711 1471 5591 1741 5601 2021 2901 3651 3741 5671 3851 5641 4081 5661 5681 5691 5701 6121 6131 6111 6471 6511 3351 0912 1782 1783 1009 1030 1346 1413 1414 1415 1459 1433 1181 1184 1042 1289 1489 1429 1439 1169 1168 0112 0143 1518 1418 0709 0812 0915 5109 5115 5139 5343 5450 1230 1081 1092 1187 1228 1293 1299 1306 1333 1380 5138 1204 1207 1224 2511 4091 4101 0281 4121 4111 1000 1222 1322 1189 0050

5 digit codes: 11758 13758 12707 12757 13415 13358 11756 10864 10885 11499 12512 12247 12172 16355 14716 16159 19022 15659 16532 14760 15162 11264 11343 12068 13061 10178

These are the universal remote instruction manual codes and you can easily connect your device and universal remote control with these codes. So if you’re struggling to program with these codes then make sure to leave a comment below and we will try to provide you with some more useful codes from our instructions booklet.

How Do I Find The Code For My Lucky Star Remote Control?

The most commonly used method for connecting your favorite lucky star remote control is as followed: Now we are going to show you the automatic code search, you can check the procedure below.

  1. Tap on TV or Any Of your Desired Device
  2. Until your TV Key Blinks Twice you should have to keep on press and hold “Setup” option.
  3. Here the TV Key shall blink twice when you enter three digit code “9-9-1”
  4. Now once you have to click on “Power” and release.
  5. You have to hold on the “CH+” button until your device “turn off”
  6. The tv key should blink twice, so once press on “Setup” and release it.

This is how do you auto code a universal remote? but if you’d like to operate it without codes then make sure to check out the below step by step procedure now.

How To Program A Universal Remote To a TV Without Codes, GE?

Don’t you know/find the codes? no problem just use this method to find out the codes in an easy way. With auto search method, all of the universal remote codes shall begin through the scanning process in your remote. It can scan one code at a time in order to find out the correct and working remote code to program your remote control. You can proceed with the below Lucky Star universal remote setup without code method.

  • First of all “Turn on” your smart device such as “TV” or any other device which you would like the universal remote control to operate it.
  • Now tap the device button (TV, DVD, CBL and OK/SEL) for 3 seconds to “Turn on” remote. After 3 seconds the LED light shall indicate the device has been ready to program now.
  • Point out your remote to your TV or any device and then tap on “CH+” & “CH-“ buttons. Then the remote will show on/off signals. Then tap on “up” or “down” key continuously until the device shall turn off.
  • Now you have to verify the code tapping on “power” key. Now your device should “Turn on”. If your device starts, you can once try changing the channel in order to verify that remote has been programmed correctly or not.
  • Then click on “Device” button to save this code. Now the device’s LED light shall blink twice for confirming the code has been stored and activated the remote successfully.

Universal Remote SN-14+AL Codes

You can check out these codes for your favorite SN-14+AL Codes:  1065, 1696, 0040, 1932, 1936, 1963, 0705, 0742, 0037, 0065, 0246, 0399, 0263, 0064, 0446, 0609, 0275, 0077, 0515, 0244, 0398, 0239, 0459, 0191, 0383, 0607, 0584, 0471, 0502.


These are the simple steps about how do i connect my lucky star universal remote to my tv? and also it is one of the best guides for how to program lucky star universal remote to tv. If you find any helpful content in please make sure to share it with your friends and family members because a small share can help to solve their big issue related to this topic. Thank you everyone for checking out this article.

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