ILO TV Universal Remote Codes

Have you just purchased a universal remote control but pulling your head out on how to use it? Do not worry in this article we’re going to explain you the easiest way to program ilo tv with universal remote control. Hey everybody! we’ve come with another article to hopefully add some value in your life with how-to articles.In this article i’m going to explain how to program a ILO tv remote. This particular one happens to be with 4 digit-codes. Here are the most common ilo tv codes are 1054, 1133, 1168, 1169, 1206 and 1230. But it should be similar across the board. Alright let’s dive right in.


The ILO is one of the best and popular television brands in the tech market. Basically, here an ILO tv brand comes with its default remote control. But in any situation if you’ve misplaced this tv app or it get spoilt or you only want to shift to use the universal remote control with your familiars suggestion to program this tv. So you’re on the right track, with the universal remote, you can easily program not just your TV but other device too such as DVD and Satellite.

If you’re eagerly waiting and searching around the internet for universal remote codes for ilo tv to program, so this article helps you to outline ilo tv codes from below. Of course there are so many universal remote control codes for ilo tv given below. Of course we’ve given more than one code for each brand of device. So in case if one of the codes doesn’t work with your device, then don’t be hesitate just try out with another code. The code is usually a 4-digits figure as we mentioned beginning of this article.

You must know how to connect universal control to tv. The ilo tv manual has been mentioned below and you can use the code as per those instructions. The guide will help you a lot, so don’t miss this opportunity. But before we move on to pairing instructions we would like to give you the universal codes first. So why late simply check and try one by one.

Universal Remote Codes List

3 Digits Code

  • 060
  • 070
  • 800
  • 177
  • 721
  • 720
  • 059
  • 073
  • 085
  • 569
  • 666
  • 588
  • 529

4 Digits Code

  • 0171
  • 0179
  • 0180
  • 0463
  • 1000
  • 1004
  • 1030
  • 1035
  • 1054
  • 1090
  • 1107
  • 1133
  • 1168
  • 1169
  • 1206
  • 1230
  • 1286

5 Digits Code

  • 11286
  • 11603
  • 11684
  • 11990
  • 10463
  • 10171
  • 13925
  • 13149
  • 11416
  • 19715
  • 12343
  • 11751
  • 11454
  • 14820

ILO TV Code for RCA Universal Remote

  • 074
  • 1394
  • 059
  • 069
  • 1665
  • 1133
  • 1218
  • 1286
  • 1054
  • 1684
  • 1168
  • 1990
  • 073
  • 1603
  • 11990
  • 070
  • 1230
  • 1206
  • 11394
  • 11684
  • 1169
  • 1219
  • 085
  • 0171
  • 060
  • 11665
  • 1231

For Directv Remote

  • 11394
  • 11603
  • 13149
  • 11665
  • 11990
  • 11286
  • 11684
  • 11463

GE & One-For-All

  • 0198, 1070, 1024, 1023


  • 0421, 1608, 1004, 1903

How do You Program a Universal Remote to a ILO TV?

To program a universal tv remote work on any tv there are three different methods in order to operate any universal remote control by connecting with your tv, but of course there is an official method for programing ILO tv and the method has been given below, so before going to follow the any of the three common methods make sure to proceed with the official one below and then try any other alternative methods. That being said, let’s get started with official one.

Official Method

  • To begin “Turn your device on (ILO TV)” first.
  • Now “TV” and click on “SEL” options should be “Hold on” simultaneously for about three seconds, after three seconds the button will be blinking.
  • Face your remote with that button lit and after that you need to “Enter TV’s Code (3 or 4 or 5 digit from above list)”
  • Then make sure to test the remote by clicking the “Volume +” button and it should be “Increase the TV Volume”
  • In the final step, tap on the “TV Button” and the button should blink two times, it means the remote have been stored 3, 4 or 5 digit code successfully.

If this method doesn’t work for you then feel free to use any of the below mentioned three methods such as Auto search, Manual method and code search. Also let us know how it worked and what code do you use to pair with down beneath in the comment section.

Auto Search

In this method the ILO tv remote pairing is done by the different ILO Universal TV remote control codes which is go through the scanning procedure. Of course the number one principle is scanned simultaneously in order to get to the correct small code. You just simply proceed with the instructions to program your ILO universal TV remote with the auto search method. The steps are given below:

  1. In the first step you have to switch on the “smart device” that you would like to use. In this example, it is the TV.
  2. Now turn your remote on and then click on device button that you want to use such as; TV, DVD, CBL, and OK/SEL, for about at least three seconds. Here an LED light on your remote will blink to indicate when the device has been all set to be prepared to program.
  3. After that, face your remote towards the device and then tap on the CH+ and CH- buttons. Now the remote shall show on and off signals. After that, click on the up and down key repeatedly until your device turns itself off.
  4. Then make sure to verify the code by tapping the power button. And then the device shall turn itself on. Once the device starts, try to switching and changing the channels to make sure that the remote has been programming in a right way.
  5. Finally click on the device button on the remote and then save the code. The LED of the device will blink two times to confirm whether the code is stored or not.

Manual Method

If you’d like to know how do i pair my ILO remote to my tv? then this manual method helps you a lot. Actually by using the desired code shall help to pair your ILO tv universal TV remote. So that, by using the key code you can simply and in an easy way program your universal remote. Of course the necessary code also identifies the make and the model of the devices in use. The steps are given below.

  1. To begin with this method, you have to switch your device on
  2. After that tap TV button on the ILO tv Universal Remote
  3. In the next step, press and hold setup button of your ILO tv universal remote until you observe the light blinking. The blinking light indicates that the remote has entered into learning mode.
  4. Now here you have to enter the key code mentioned in the programming guide or the instructions booklet.
  5. After the procedure, face your remote towards the TV and press and hold the power button.
  6. In the final step, you can release the power button as soon as the screen will be switched to off mode.

After all of these steps, the device shall be started working correctly. Suppose, the device is getting any interruptions or not working correctly, you can pair and setup the ILO tv remote control again with the same steps just by using a different code from the above-listed principles.

Code Search

If you’re unable to find the key code, that can fit to your ILO tv universal remote code and works properly, then you could easily set up your ILO TV universal remote control by using the search mode method. You can even find this code in the manual, which forces the remote to go into search mode automatically after that.

  • To begin the procedure you have to make sure turn your device on.
  • Then press and hold setup button on your ILO TV universal remote
  • Here you need to enter the 9-9-1 three-digit codes.
  • Tap on power button on your remote and then press the ch+ button until the device in question turns off automatically.

The ILO remote control manual and also this pairing method using the code search method is a little long and takes some extra time. Once you have done all these steps and done the above procedure, your remote is now being ready to use.

Wrap Up

That being said guys! we hope you find this article very helpful. If you had benefit from this article and you feel worth to share this article with your friends and other universal ILO tv remote control users then proceed to share with them and support us to reach this information as much as many people around world. We take all your suggestions into consideration about any other universal remote control codes and of course if you have any other codes then mention that code in the below comment section.

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